Moist car

There are a few things less annoying but imagine you’re up, have to drive to work, start your car, and can’t see anything anymore because the car immediately fired up after starting the engine. Recognizable? Not that weird, because most of the Dutch are dealing with this annoying problem aswell. The cause is condensation of moist air in your car, the solution is explained later in this article. 

First, we explain how the condensation is created in your car, so you understand how to solve this problem as effectively as possible. We produce  water vapor. Not only during sweating, but also during exhaling. With each breath, we blow small drops of warm, humid air into the atmosphere. Therefore, we thus provide moisture on the inside of our car. And it is precisely this moisture present, which under certain circumstances can lead to fired car racing.

If you are looking for a good car dehumidifier, you don’t have to look any further. The best-selling dehumidifier in Germany is the Airdry dehumidifier. This popular product of the quality producer ThoMar is also sold in the Netherlands many times and is renowned for its high efficiency. With different fragrances (neutral, Ice-Fresh and Vanilla) and a special reusable DUO set, Airdry car dehumidifiers provide all you need to quickly and effectively dehumidify your car. At last but not least? They are cheap too. Therefore, don’t drive with foggy windows and take advantage of ThoMar’s Airdry Dehumidifier.